Monday 3 October 2011

Life Lists & Happiness

I always thought that when I was 14 years old, being in my late twenties I would accomplish all my goals I had written at the time. I always imagined how exciting my life would be. I would:

1) have an exciting career and do whatever I want
2) be super fit and healthy
3) be super rich 
4) be in love and married 
5) have my own place 
6) be happy

Ok, so now here I am in my late twenties and have done one thing off the list (#4 yay for this one!). But should I be disappointed in myself then for not doing the rest? Hmmm...that is the question. Would the 14 year old me be like, "Hey! What happened to you? How did you let everything else slip?" And the answer is a resounding "YES". I know I've let my younger self down.

I always told myself that I can do anything, but what have I done to prove that? Yes, certain things I can say I have, but not everything. And it's a shame on me that I let myself down. But that doesn't mean I can't change. I can cross off the things on my list and make them happen. I've done it before and I can do it again.

Today's Affirmations: 

"I have the power to achieve any goal I desire." ~ "I accomplish everything I set out to do!"

So the question is how am I going to do all these things? Make more lists and start doing the small things I never did? I am certainly going to try. I think the last one "be happy" comes with everything else. First and foremost I need to start with my...


God, this is the one that I think needs the most work on. Once my maternity leave is up, I will have a career that makes me happy and fulfills the criteria I've listed below. Honestly, I've worked at a job I didn't like for the last 4 years. What was I thinking?? I told myself that it was just a way to pay my bills and something better would come up. But did I even look? I honestly don't think I really did. I blamed not having a great job on the economy and the amount of work in my field. I graduated in interior design, and yet here I am 5 years later, a drafting technician, with no creativity in my job or no future job prospects in the same company. Not that I even want to work there. I use to take pride in my work and now, I can't even say that I care about the things I've done there in the last 2-3 years. How sad is that? All this to say that I need to put it out there to remind myself why I need a new career. Now that I know this, I need to look towards the future.

There are so many things I want to have in my career. I know that I want to:
  • Be creative
  • Be able to work from home
  • Have my own business
  • Have flex time (so I can spend time with my son and husband...which is very important to me)
  • Make enough money to not have to worry about anything (buying a house, paying bills etc...)
I am putting it out there! As per the book I am reading "You Were Born Rich" Bob Proctor, I need to:

1) Create the image I want of myself & my life
2) Let go and let God (Put it out there and not dwell on it)
3) Expect an abundance (think positively and vibrate the feeling)
4) Take Risks (but not be irresponsible!)

Not done with the next chapters so I will post them as soon as I'm done!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Saturn has Returned!

"What is a Saturn Return?" This is what I asked my husband when he told me about it a year ago. According to (for a quick summary), it's when the planet Saturn comes back to meet your natal Saturn. It takes about 29.5 years for it return to where it was when you were born. The Saturn return hits in the late twenties, and its impact is felt into the early thirties.

Basically its your good morning, "What have you been doing with your life???" and questions of a various life-changing nature. OMG, I'm almost 30 and what have I accomplished? Am I doing the things I love? Am I happy with my life? Am I on the path I am supposed to be on? Etc...etc...

Saturn reminds you of what you've done and where you are right now is because of what you've put into your life. KARMA baby! And if you don't like what you see, here's your opportunity to have a second chance to change your life.

So...the last few weeks I've been trying to decide what to do with my life and how I want to change it. Yes, there are things that I am happy about, but there are a lot of things that need some serious tweaking. And today I remembered our Saturn Return conversation. And here I am today starting this blog (also, I have never blogged before so I am a nube!) in hopes that I will find something of myself in the next few months (I'm on mat leave). I know given a few months might not be enough, but I'm certainly going to try!